Adding and deleting photographs in report
In HelloReport App (iOS/Android)
Add photos from camera roll
In the area/item/defect you wish to add photos to, tap the Photographs text.
On the photo preview page, tap the icon with the two black squares and the mountain.
Choose up to 20 photographs (items/defect) or 40 photographs (inspection area) by selecting the images from your camera roll.
Tap Add in the top right corner.
After processing, the images will then visible on the report. Click the green arrow on the top left side to return back to the edit report page.
Take photos with camera
In the area/item you wish to take photos for, tap the green camera icon, or tap Photographs text and then the black camera icon on the far right.
Take as many photos as you can with the camera (up to allocated maximum) with the white camera/shutter button.
Tap Finish to view the photos. Click the green arrow on the top left side of the page to return to the edit report page.
Adding a report cover photo
On the edit report page, tap the black camera icon inside the square with the dotted lines.
Choose between the camera roll (mountains within the black square), or using the in-app camera (black camera icon).
Choose/take your 1 photo.
You will return back to the edit report page once the cover photo has been added.
If you wish to re-take the photo, tap the photo again and select the green EDIT button.
Select the image and tap the black trash can icon to remove.
Re-take your photo by following the above steps.
Delete / Replace Photos
To delete photos, click to Photographs.
Click Edit.
Select the photos you wish to delete.
Finalise by clicking the trash can icon.
Click Done to save changes.
In HelloReport Web App
Adding a report cover photo
Hover over the cover photo area in the top left of the report and click the + symbol inside the square.
Drop a photo to a designated area or click search.
Choose the photo from files.
Click Open to add the photo.
Use the magnifying glass to expand the image, or the trash can icon to remove.
Add photos to an inspection area
To add photos to an inspection area, click the General overview text to open a pop-up window.
Click along to Photos.
Drag/drop photos, or click to browse your files.
Once the photos have been added, select Update to return back to the report.
Add photos to an item
To add photos to an item, click anywhere on the item you need to edit, including the name of the item, the condition/cleanliness, or the description.
Click along to Photos.
Drag/drop photos, or click to browse your files.
Once the photos have been added, select Update to return back to the report.
Add photos to defects
Tap the Inspection Area (General overview) or the item where the defect is.
Click to Defects on the far right.
Select the red Add Defect button and describe the defect in as much detail as possible.
After this, drag/drop up to 20 photos within the dotted box, or click to browse your files.
To update, click Add to return to the edit page. To edit the defect further, go to the 3 black dots next to the defect and select Edit.
Once you have added your defects, remember to Update to see your changes.
Delete / Replace photos in inspection areas and items
Click to an inspection area or item where you wish to delete the photo from.
Hover your mouse over the photo.
Click the trash can icon on the far right of the image.
CONFIRM deletion by clicking the red button.
Click Update to save the changes.
Delete / Replace photos in defects
Click directly on the red defect text.
The Edit Defect menu will open.
Hover your mouse over the photo you wish to delete.
Select the trash can icon on the far right of the image.
CONFIRM deletion by clicking the red button.
Update to save the changes.
Please use .jpg or .png format only. Each photo should also be less than 4mb in size. This applies both HelloReport App for phone and HelloReport Web App.
Updated on: 15/01/2024