Articles on: Using HelloReport

Add properties in bulk

Add properties in bulk on the website

Ensure properties are readily available for your team by adding addresses in bulk to the account. Properties imported must be in .CSV file format.

On the website, go to the Properties tab.
Click the Add new property drop down and go to Import from CSV.
HelloReport requires the properties to be formatted correctly - click download sample CSV to see how your spreadsheet should be presented.

Once your file is ready, either drag/drop your file within the dotted box or tap on Browse to select a file.
If required, de-select any tick boxes to remove properties from the import.
Click the green Import button to add the properties to your account.

Select Close to return back to the website. The new addresses will now be listed under Properties.
To continue adding properties, click Import more properties.

There is a maximum of 500 properties that can be imported at each time. Click Import more properties to continue adding additional files. When creating and adding your CSV file, please ensure there is a maximum of 500 properties listed. Please contact the customer success team via the live chat if you need assistance.

Updated on: 09/01/2024