How to change your profile and company information
To change your own profile information:
Log in to the HelloReport web app.
Go to Account > User.
Change the information as required under Basic Information.
Click Update.
To change the company information:
Only the Account Owner or Manager can change company information.
In the Helloreport web app, go to Account > Settings > Company details.
Edit the company information as required.
Click Update to save your changes.
To add your logo:
In the web app, go to Account > Settings > Company details. Here you can add your company logo.
Drag and drop your logo file into the box, or click on the box to browse your computer.
Finalise by clicking Update.
Here's more information about logos: Add a company logo to reports.
When you add your logo to HelloReport it will show in different parts of the app such as reports and the tenant portal. If this isn't required, switch it off in Report Settings.
Updated on: 15/01/2024