Articles on: Account Management

Managing the team: inviting users and revoking access

To add a new user:

Log in to the HelloReport web app.
Go to Account > Settings.

Only Account Owner and Manager can add new users to the account.

Click to Team > Invite User.

Enter the user's name, email address and select their permission level.
Click Invite User to confirm.

An Assessor is only able to produce reports of existing property addresses, whereas Managers can manage other users and add properties. Please note that Assessors are unable to view reports that other users have created.

Once your team member has been invited, they will receive an email with a temporary password. They are required to click Accept Invite to be redirected to a login page.
After accepting the invite and inputting their temporary password, they will be able to set up their own password.

Every HelloReport subscription includes unlimited user invites.

Deleting or resending a user invite

If for any reason you need to delete an invite, for example you have entered an incorrect email address, click the three dots next to the invite and select Delete. Type CONFIRM to delete.
To resend the invite, select Resend once the 15 minute timer has expired. This is an anti-spam feature.

If you no longer want a user to have access to the HelloReport system:

Go to Account > Settings > Team.
Click on the user.

Go to Account status and click the drop down menu. Select Revoked to prevent the user from logging into their account.
Click Update.

If a user has access revoked, they will appear under Archived Users.

Changing permission level

To change a user's permission level, click the drop down menu and choose from assessor or manager.
Click Update to make the changes.

Deleting a user

Click the user you wish to remove.
Select Delete and type CONFIRM. Once deleted, the user cannot be recovered.

Updated on: 31/08/2023